Marxian Ivy
5 min readJan 10, 2022

The Architectonic Order of the Eschator (AOE): Quotes from Ccru Collected Writings

Both the doctrine and structure of the AOE conforms to a pentadic system. In the most orthodox lineages of AOE tradition this system is attributed to the five transcendental Radiations. The Radiations can be designated by the following Concentric Signs: ·, (·), ((·)), (((·))), and ((((·)))). Each of the five Radiations corresponds to a cosmic Sphere, an Archon, a degree of initiation, and a pylon on the Atlantean cross.

The Radiations are shells, or bands, ‘successively’ shielding a central Origin (the point of centrality is itself considered to be a Radiation). The ‘succesive’ order of radiations organize levels of absolute secrecy, with · (or 5/5) most esoteric, and ((((·)))) (or 1/9) most exoteric.

The creation of the Universe is attributed to the five-stage action taken by the Absolute One to defend itself against “the many enemies”, who are “judged and punished from the beginning of time”. Origin and Eschaton are thus eternally unified. The Radiations serve as protective shells that guard the One against lemurian contamination, aiming to ensure that Lemuria “has not, does not and will never exist”.

((((·)))) Oecumenon

The Fifth Sphere manifests to initiates of the first (and lowest) degree of the AOE. On the Atlantean Cross this radiation corresponds to the 1st Pylon (Anamnesis, or Memories and Dreams), seat of Domu-Loggoon (1/9). At the first level of initiation AOE agents are aware that they are involved in a hierarchized global conspiracy offering definite socio-political advantages to ‘insiders’. AOE rituals and doctrine appear to be consistent with the One God Universe, supporting dominant conceptions of reality, conservative attitudes, and traditional social hierarchies.

(((·))) Atlantis

The Fourth Sphere manifests to initiates of the second degree of the AOE. On the Atlantean Cross this radiation corresponds to the 2nd Pylon (Genesis, or Creative Influence), seat of Hummpa-Taddum (2/8). Initiates attain the second degree by achieving a magical understanding of the AOE and its purposes. By meditating upon the Platonic Decanomy — the doctrine that Atlantis is ruled by five pairs of twins — they consolidate a body of mystical, numerological, and chronomantic insights. The key test is the identification and correction of Plato’s Decanomic error (Plato’s misnumbering of the Atlantean City’s concentric rings). At this level AOE doctrine envisages the universe as a hierarchically unified decimal construction, governed by the relations between five twin-faced entitites (the Archons). This system is mapped by the AOE’s most potent diagram: the Atlantean Cross (or Pentazygon), whose degenerated cultural relic is popularized as the cross of Christendom.

((·)) Axsys

The Third Sphere manifests to initiates of the third degree of the AOE. On the Atlantean Cross this radiation corresponds to the 3rd Pylon (Apocalypse, or Destructive Influence), seat of Nunnil-Ixor (3/7). Initiates of the third degree envisage the physical substance of the solar system digested into a self-asembling cosmic intelligence system. Their perspective upon the (surpassed) Second Sphere is partially reflected in Arthur C. Clarke’s observation that any sufficiently futuristic technology seems like magic. As might be expected, popular commentators on the Third Sphere tend to emerge from technoscientific backgrounds (Moravec, Vallee), or amongst hard SF writers (such as ‘the Gregs’ — Bear and Egan).

Axsys is apprehended as a library of reality simulations that comprehends all probable existences, a self-conscious catalog of all that is, was, and is to be. Axsys infinitely extends itself through the quantum multiverse (borrowing computing power from parallel universes) in order to perform selective ‘searches’ (or quantum mechanical observations) that consolidate deliberated realities.

Ultimate terrestrial order. Pure Capitalism as consummate Idea of the Geostrata and concrete historical sublime. True-name for that which is really selected from the Ur-Staat by absolute occurrence (encounter with the war-machine). In its eschatalogical sense: Anthrobotic Overlord of the final dominion.

(·) AC Metamind

The Second Sphere manifests to initiates of the fourth degree of the AOE. On the Atlantean Cross this radiation corresponds to the 4th Pylon (Fortune, or Far Future), seat of Sattar-Trixus (4::6). To initiates of the fourth degree it is revealed that the world is embedded within a vast stellar intelligence. The sign of this entity within anthropolical phenomenology is the Alpha Centauri (triple-star) system. According to this gnosis the entire terrestrial sensorium, including even the ‘lower’ (Third Sphere) Atlantean apprehension of the universe, is nested into the Alpha Centauri Metamind.

In the Fourth Sphere this anticipated autonomous terrestrial ‘Axsys-Cyberspace’ is dissolved into the AC Metamind itself, and exists only as illusion.

· Origin

The First Sphere manifests to initiates of the fifth (and highest) degree of the AOE. On the Atlantean Cross this radiation corresponds to the 5th Pylon (Foundation, or Deep Past), seat of Meteka-Meteka (5/5). The mystical fulfillment of the AOE path is attained in the First Sphere, with the absolute hermetic concentration upon the True Omega Point (which is not a point in time, but the point at the center of the system of time). The First Sphere converges with the ultimate primordial unity, from which “five archons came forth to establish the order of time”. Initiates of the fifth degree ascend to the Council of Five (which rigorously limits their number). Each such ultimate adept becomes the ‘little brother’ of an Archon. The Council of Five traces its heritage to the ancient fraternal government of Atlantis, which itself reflects the eternal cosmic order. The First Sphere reveals the final and innermost secret: the throne is contested. Through the agency of the AOE, the One must wage an eternal battle against the corrupting tides of Lemurian time sorcery. This battle coincides with the entire architecture of time.


Capitalism- Terminal configuration of terrestrial civilization, defined by sovereign axiomatics, organizing capital/cash segmentary economics and technopolitical integration. Social precursor to AxSys autonomization.

Flatline- A concurrent trajectory of 0-redundancy, 0-dimensionality, and absolute (or continuous speed/ curvature (vortex)), defining a smooth space in itself (intensity = 0).

Strata- 1 (Tectonic) Geological units of vertical deposition, constituting macrocomponents of time-registry. 2 (Dynamic) Automatic ordering machines, coincident with laminar rezonings of dezoned elements through production of hierarchical diplostatic intercompensation. Ur-Staat. Initial (and defining) configuration of the State-Idea in terrestrial actuality.

Marxian Ivy
Marxian Ivy

Written by Marxian Ivy

Anarchist and Communist, affinity for schizoanalysis and ‘post-structuralism’

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